Hintertux, AUT : Sept 1, 2011 – last turns & days in Europe


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Hintertux, AUT : September 1, 2011 – last turns and days in Europe

Tony has been waiting a while for this one, but posting in the Winter this make sense and this Spring has been particular busy for me. The longest part was choosing pics, not of the skiing itself. but more the surrounding as this was the conclusion of a long trip that wasn't particular focus for the quality skiing or the skiing itself.

So I'm posted a TR of the last ski day from last summer, the others are all written (have been written for a while), it just finding the time to select pics and post.

The end is that this long trip is almost over.

Waiting for September, after over 4 weeks in Europe. The kids have been in Canada and finishing their first week of school. As for myself, I was tired of traveling and so I stayed put in Tux. Another two-day break, not in the city this time, but in beautiful Tirol countryside. The last two days have been spent relaxing and trying to understand the Simpsons in German.

Tux in the off-season is dead quiet, unlike the busier places in the Alps, Tux is first and foremost a rural community. I’m staying in a two-story Gaus house with a double bed with bathroom and TV all to myself, actually it seemed like I had the whole place to myself. It was remnant of the Mountain Inn condos at Killington back in late May 1984, except it wasn’t a cold architecture and I didn’t play bowling with empty beer bottles in the hallway..

click on link to continue
http://madpatski.wordpress.com/2012/07/ ... in-europe/

A small sample of some of the pics from the TR - click link or pics to access full TR

Bad luck with the weather to get September 2011; I hope the August days were better.

Unfortunately the Alps get a lot of summer rain; there's a reason those valleys are so lush and pretty. On our family vacation in August 1999 we spent 2 days in the Hallstadt/Dachstein area and it rained most of that time.

The Pacific Northwest rain is supposed to let up in the summer. But it threatened much of the time Patrick and I were up there 3 weeks ago. Fortunately the only skiing it messed up was the last day at Timberline, which has by far the least interesting skiing of the places we went.
Tony Crocker":1xpax7j0 said:
Bad luck with the weather to get September 2011; I hope the August days were better.

That is why I presented that TR first. There was rain during that trip, but never during the ski hours. It would generally happen in the afternoon (as the previous day). I think that September 1 had the most pathetic conditions (snow, visibility, weather) of all the other skis days. Days that went from marginal to 'mazing' conditions. Scenery was always spectacular (at least when you could see it).

Tony Crocker":1xpax7j0 said:
The Pacific Northwest rain is supposed to let up in the summer. But it threatened much of the time Patrick and I were up there 3 weeks ago. Fortunately the only skiing it messed up was the last day at Timberline, which has by far the least interesting skiing of the places we went.

Talking of which, the TR for my first day at Timberline is also complete. Just waiting after the digital pictures. The selection should be much easier than those from Europe.