How good is the Wasatch right now? Just take a look.


New member

All photos taken in the month of April. April 1st Park City, April 2nd Alta/Snowbird (no photos, power outage had me in a bad mood), April 3rd The Canyons, April 4th Snowbird.

Each day has gotten sicker and sicker. As I'm writing this flakes are flying again in Park City. Looking for another foot in town at 7,000 with 30 + up on the hills Monday and Tuesday.

The only questions is where to ski, Park City or the Can Can tomorrow with the south west flow??? Probably Alta on Tuesday once snow really piles up. Canyons sidecountry Wednesday? Boy we have it rough out here...
absolutely sick.........

so jealous right now.

you're making me drool -- our season down here in socal seems to be coming to an end soon.......
SoCal should get something out of tonight's storm. There should be another couple of weeks at least of local skiing. Mammoth is still in midwinter form as noted by my report and should go well into June like last year, with a reasonable shot at July 4th if the spring is favorable.

Mammoth's season will almost certainly last longer than Utah's.
Tony , I hit up Baldy on Saturday. Pics to come soon.

Two weeks of hot weather definitely took a beating on the snow. Good coverage on Thunder, but, no real skiing to parking lot any more. Snow is pretty beat up, and mostly hard pack.

More to come.....