I skipped work to satisfy my need to ski and went up to Huntah. Huntah has one way down (two trails) to their F-lift (semi mid-mountain). I have never even been on the lift before and now it was my only option. They were also blowing snow on Belt Parkway, and it was probably open today, as was probably top to bottom. If they don't open these today, its not going to be a pretty sight on Friday, as they said that last night was their last snowmaking opportunity for a few days. <BR> <BR>Coverage was decent when I arrived. They were blowing snow throughout, but given the temperatures, I don't think it really qualified as snow. My jacket would be ice crusted after a run and I hadn't fallen. Later in the day, it would just be very wet (they turned off most of the guns, but still left some on in the really bad places). I think Huntah refers to this as "powdah". <BR> <BR>I made more than enough runs on the Hellgate/Broadway trails to hold me off for the entire season. Pretty boring trails. Hellgate was in its prime mid-season form (ice bumps) by the end of the day. Broadway had great soft spring bumps. If only we didn't have to ski Hellgate to get to Broadway. Funny though, they started to have some 13-19 inch grass and rocks peer up over the 12-18 inch base by the end of the day