Hunter Mt., NY 12/3/00


Staff member
I made it out for my first day of the season. Between that and some new toys, no need for an alarm clock. The new toys are some K2 X-14's that were purchased last summer. I found them lot's of fun, but not exactly ice skates. <BR> <BR>I tried to get there early because 1) its Hunter and it draws from NYC and NJ*, 2) it was a weekend, and 3) it was a demo weekend. I got on the lift about 8:20 and found that the groomed trails had a good edgeable surface. The snow guns were turned off by 9am and upper crossover appeared with *excellent* conditions. A couple of laps on this short trail really warmed up the legs. Mid morning Clairs Way, on the west side, opened. This was another treat. While it was crowded immediately after opening, it was top to bottom great snow. Many laps on this and the legs let me know how out of shape they are/I am. These two trails, Upper Crossover and Clairs Way, were opened yesterday. People who had been there saturday were amazed to see Upper Crossover open. On saturday it's only cover was the natural snow Hunter has recieved. <BR> <BR>After noon, there was still good snow to be found, but there was a lot of scraped off trails. Not bad for December 3, especially since they have had only 6 inches of natural. I only touched hard earth a couple of times and that was from risky side of the trail skiing.