Jackson Hole, 1/27

Tony Crocker

Staff member
Good decision for me to take Thursday off. I filled a 64K photo card in Yellowstone and had to get a second photo CD made in case I want any pics here in Jackson. My skis were also tuned and repaired, which was a good thing today.

Jackson's south exposures did soften up some, so they were crunchy under the 3-5 inches new. New snow was light and dry, so fat skis were not necessary, and the fresh tune of the Power Ti's was better for the frequent turns on the subsurface. Weather was patchy fog, cloudy with intermittent snow, with more of the same expected the next 2 days.

I was skiing with JH hosts and Patrick was on his own again. Today was a short day as I had to be back in town for the NASJA meeting at 3PM. No objection as the next 2 days rate to be better. Powder was actually quite nice if you could find a slope with the slightest tilt north instead of south and not with huge moguls underneath. Tensleep/Expert Chutes and North Colter Ridge/Elk Alley were the day's highlights for that reason.
Tony Crocker":2ufh66xh said:
Patrick was on his own again.
I skied on mostly different runs today. What was hard frozen bumps yesterday were covered with fresh snow.

With the heavy flat light this morning and the fresh snow, I needed to the woods like a true easterner. First off in Saratoga Bowl which was nice a soft yesterday morning, but I guess it got sun baked in the PM. The base was frozen.

Skiied near the Casper Traverse (Woolsey Woods), Moran Woods and down low near the Sweetwater Triple, Solitude Gully and Avalanche off Gros Ventre.

Last run of the day from the top. Rendez-vous bowl, Laramie traverse, Pepi's toward Alta to finish on North Cotler Ridge.

Hoping I will have something left for Utah. :o

Ah yes, I too brought my skis in yesterday for a tune-up. Hard surfaces yesterday at Jackson and damage skis thanks to Big Couloir traverse (twice) wasn't a good thing.