New member
my first time at jay, and i musta picked a bad year to try it... cause after all the hype, it was disappointing. <BR> <BR>morning i skied from the tram (no line on a monday) and the high speed quad on that side of the mountain. everything accept the trees and bump runs were groomed. the snow was hard and fast, no trace of powder any where. steeper sections were slightly scraped up in places. <BR> <BR>bumps here were huge, i am still hurting. some thin cover and scraped on the bumps, but they are in okay shaped (and very big). <BR> <BR>things started to soften up around noon time as i made my way over to the Jet Triple where i found my favorite runs of the afternoon. good pitch blacks from the Jet, as snow turned soft under the hot sun. yes, even Jay hit about 40+ degrees yesterday as i dumped my sweater and opened my jacket air wents. a hot one! <BR> <BR>i'm sure the warm weather will not help snow conditions, but jay is doing okay considering the season we're having. no powder any where though. don't know about the trees, as i don't go in there... but i didn't see hardly any one ventering into them.