Jay Peak 3/19,20&21


New member
I drove up monday just as the light snow started falling in N.H..The drive up was no problem,that is until I was about a half mile below the snowline lodge,where I had to pop in the 4wd to make the last stretch.It had obviously been snowing there harder and longer than elsewhere and was piling up nicely. <BR> <BR>I unloaded and quickly headed to the Golden Eagle Lounge at the tram base to do a little detective work for my next days activities.Ok,I wanted some suds too,so what.The word in the bar was the conditions on monday morning were horrible and had been so for quite some time.I guess they were hauling down some pretty good skiers/riders on sat. because of the ice.However,everyone agreed that the conditions had rapidly improved with the 4"that had fallen since noon and things should be primo for tuesday. <BR> <BR>After doing lots of "detective work"(hic)I awoke on tueday to a powder skiers paradise,10-12" of light and dry!Alright,it wasnt exactly 4%water density but for late march it was pretty light. <BR> <BR>I got the first tram up and took a nice warm-up in an untracked Beaver Pond Glade.It was orgasmic!I was getting it over my knees regularly and even a few face shots!The ski patrol had left lots of ropes up,so it became duck season.I'm sure it was just because they hadnt swept the trail to make sure it had enough cover OR so a patroller could get first tracks.It was great because it kept all the goofers out of MY snow.You could really tell how bad things had been when on the lift.Huge sections of 10'deep pond ice in wind scoured areas.Tuesday ended with lots of long fresh lines left in the woods for wednesdays festivities.Did more "research" at the Belfry(great food). <BR> <BR>Wednesday morning brought with it the forcast for more snow in the afternoon.The tram was on wind delay all day so it was off to the Green Mountain Flyer/Freezer befor they shut that down too.Holy hurricanes batman!My first ride up the GMF was a white knuckle one to say the least.I had a patroller following underneath me on his sled,radioing back to the lift.I was really swaying in the breeze and was a little nervous.I decided that was enough swinging for one day and headed to the Jet triple and just in time 'cause they shut down the GMF shortly thereafter.Timbucktu and Kitz woods still had fresh snow in them but were getting chewed up fast since everyone was coming over from the tram base.At one point,the only lift(besides the t-bars and condo lift)that was running was the Jet,but they did get everyting but the tram running again by 11:30,just as it started snowing.I had looked at Beaver Pond first run and it was pretty ugly since tuesday with lots of ice moguls and thin cover and I opted to not ski it.However by 2:00 it had agian been transformed into powder heaven.It was dumping pretty good now,almost an inch an hour I'd say,and every run was getting better(deeper)and better with fresh tracks every run.The mountain was also pretty empty by now.I missed the last chair up by 1 person!I could see the guy roping it up as I approached."Aw come on buddy,it's my birthday(lie)"I said.Nope."I'll by you a beer at the Eagle,come on let me get one more,please."No go.I was shut off from the quad.I did get one more run on the t-bar and skied the intermediate Bushwhacker glade at full throttle. <BR> <BR>Thursday...oh my look,another 10-12" of fresh.I packed up my room,checked out and headed for the hill.No wind delay!I get in line for the first tram at 8:45.All the other lifts around me are running,yet here I stand in the tram line and wait,and wait,and wait.I feel like its x-maas morning and I'm not allowed to open my presents.By 9:15 I said scr*w this and hopped on the flyer.Wouldnt you know,just as I sit down the tram loads.Now even with all the new snow,I know the face is gonna go quick since there really isnt anything for the new stuff to bond to.Regardless I race back down to the tram and hop on the next one.Again,all good things to those who wait because as I ski down Vermonter contemplating my next run,I see patrol dropping the rope to Valhalla,which only had one set of tracks in it(patrol?) and had been inaccessable on wednesday because of the wind.It was deep.Real deep.Even with the wind packing it a bit it was still snorkle snow.I looked like Frosty coming out of there(a very happy Frosty).I skied till about 2:30,still finding TONS of fresh lines, when I called it quits and headed back to the Granite state. <BR> <BR>It took every bit of will power to come home since they were talking more snow with the arrival of a cold front.I gambled and figured the wind and cold will make for lift delays and frostbite on friday. <BR> <BR>All in all,another epic march Jay powder trip!