Jay Peak, VT 1/1/00

Jim Bauman

New member
An odd couple of ski days... Tons of powder, but not a lot of turns. S'okay though, as son Conor (3 1/2) got almost two full runs at Jay on Monday. <BR> <BR>Dad pulled him up the T-bar trail (tough for a little one to ride the t-bar, anyone ever done it?) and then we skied down the Condo trail. The trail is perfect to learn on: wide, empty, very mild slope, and groomed to perfection. The H-bar (see http://www.applerise.com&#41; works great, but takes some practice. My left ankle and knee re-learned the wedge all over again, as that is your main method of speed control with a little one attached to an oar on your right side. It may sound complicated, it's really not, and it's a perfect solution for a kid too young to really have much balance, though we did notice him beginning to wedge his skis out, either mimicing us or instinctively learning to control his speed with his edges. Very cool. <BR> <BR>The chilly temps (about 10 near the base) brought Conor in early, and then Dad made two runs with bro-in-law Johnny. 1st was Vertigo, with quite a bit untracked on the left. Next up was Green Beret to extreme left Valhalla, with plenty of deep, soft turns missed by the boarder groomers. <BR> <BR>Kathleen got her turns in too, thankfully, from 3:00 to 4:15, reporting fresh lines even at that late hour. Had snowed lightly all day, and continued to snow off and on in Burlington on both Tuesday and Wednesday.