Jay Peak, VT 1/15/00


Staff member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 1/16/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Jay Peak today was cold but fun. They were shut down for all but the t-bars yesterday, so today's surface was either loose powder, wind crud, chowder or styrofoam, depending upon the specific location's exposure to the prevailing northwesterly winds from Friday. Highlights were Valhalla, Upper Exhibition, Beaver Pond Glade, and Buckaroo Bonzai on skiers' left. Only the face chutes, Can Am, Upper River Quai, Staircase and Vertigo were closed. Today's issue was the cold, well below zero for much of the day. <BR> <BR>As we ended the day, snowmaking had begun in earnest on the entire length of JFK. It was somewhat disappointing to see snow from hoses blown on this formerly classic natural snow trail.