Jay Peak, VT 12/30/01


Staff member
Snowing like a sonofagun. <BR> <BR>We didn't get there until noon, thanks to a long drive on crummy roads. However, we enjoyed some quality turns. It was snowing to beat the band - light, fluffy and piling up quickly. <BR> <BR>But the crowds! In all the years that I've skied Jay, I've never seen so many people. When we arrived they were parking cars in the "Chalet Lot" - the one below the access road at the XC center. Just plain forget about getting a cafeteria seat. More people seemed to be inside warming up than out on the hill, as the liftlines weren't bad - the tram was 2 cabins, and the line for the Green Mt. Freezer, the longest of the chair lines, was about 10 min. <BR> <BR>Despite the 30-degree thermometer reading, the wind made it feel much, much colder. JFK was a manmade glacier (who thought it was a bright idea to add snowmaking over there, anyway??), but Lower Everglade was a delight. We were there late, so popular runs like Northway and The Jet were quite scratchy. Stateside Glade was another treat, but Upper Milk Run was rocky. We ducked from there into Canyonland which still held numerous obstacles, and if you watched the surface carefully Buckaroo Bonzai held some nice fresh boot-top pow in places. <BR> <BR>In all a great afternoon, but oh, what crowds! <BR> <BR>Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention - they've got 43 out of 75 trails open. Poaching was rampant everywhere that was closed, but they were actively pulling a boatload of tickets on upper Can Am.