Jay Peak, VT 2/17/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/18/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>I grabbed a ride up to Jay Peak from Killington yesterday <BR>morning with a couple of other natural snow-starved <BR>Killington regulars and their Dalmatian. Jay is in <BR>unbelievable shape. Fresh tracks everywhere and the cut <BR>trail skiing was untracked early and fluffy western powder <BR>bumps late. My knee is still very unhappy so I stuck <BR>to the cut trail skiing with my friend Donna while her <BR>husband Dave skied the trees next to us. I mostly skied <BR>the liftline McTrails under the high speed quad, fixed <BR>grip quad, and triple. It was complete hero snow and <BR>you could ski any line you wanted. It was one of my <BR>10 best eastern days ever and I skied nothing but whose <BR>terrain all day. The east just doesn't get any better <BR>than this.