Mark Renson
New member
For me, it was a trip to Jay Peak for a Senior Toboggan clinic with several other MRG Patrollers in addition to others from Jay, Smuggs and Whiteface. After a high speed warm up run down the groomed Haynes (soft corduroy with bullet proof patches), we spent the day doing toboggan practice down Derrick's-Le Something Merde and then down Kitzbuehl-Stateside Glade. At the end of the day, we were asked if we wanted <BR>to throw our weary carcasses down one more Kitz-Stateside Glade combo and the answer was a resounding "yes". At the bottom, we slapped each other on the backs, happy that we had become better Patrollers and had a great time. <BR> To celebrate, we MRG Patrollers used the 20 minutes remaining in the day to head up the T-Bar and over to The Tram, getting to the summit right before 4PM. I opted for an easy route down. I found a laid back line through the Valhalla Glade and enjoyed some great packed powder skiing through it and down into Hell's Woods. Very little death crust was to be found. Conditions at Jay were very good packed powder, but keep in mind I was only on a few trails. <BR> On the way home, a horrendous freezing rain event was experienced from Franconia Crotch to Concord on I-93, making for a nearly 7 hour trip home. In the East, only the Strong Skiers survive - we RULE.