Jay Peak, VT 3/4/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 3/5/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Arrived at Jay around 10:30 after a last-minute decision <BR>to bring our son along. Dad sat out the bluebird morning as Kathleen and Denis enjoyed 2.5 hours of sun, soft snow <BR>in the marked glades, and excellent coverage. <BR> <BR>Dad and Conor headed over to watch the George S. (don't <BR>ask me to spell his last name) Downhill and were extremely impressed. Just a couple of numbers: <BR>Ivana Trump- (seriously!) first run of the competition: 58 mph <BR>George S.- first run of the good old boys division, 60 years young, 84mph! <BR>One of the indomitable DesLauriers, 86mph! (I believe the victor) <BR>The competition started on Derrick's at the very top and cut left into Haynes and pretty much headed straight down after the main cut back to Jet. Two serious rollers in the fast section caused a couple heart stopping moments, one by George S. himself, as he got a little back seat and his tips went above the level of his head for a moment at full speed. <BR> <BR>Conor and I chatted (actually, Conor napped) with a Montrealer who had been watching the race since its inaugural run some 30 years ago. He entertained us with juicy insider tidbits on Ivana and others and impressed us with his stories of skiing down the backside of Jay for the last run every day to his "chalet" near 242 west of Jay Peak, only to be stopped by his wife who got tired of repairing holes in his jacket made by multiple contacts <BR>with VT hardwood. <BR> <BR>Dad got his chance after these memorable moments and packed in four runs with Kathleen between 2:15 and 3:45. Hero snow in Canyonland, Expo, Show Off, even North Glade. The SCXs were back as the Fours get tuned up for BC, and the super-quick, dancing shoes magic I'd remembered from last season was back, too. Man, just roll the knees into the next turn and your there. Phantom foot, nothing. Give me shorties in the trees unless there's serious crud or ice. <BR>Even the scar that is the upper liftline cut of the Freezer was entertaining. Goat Run, however, was its usual scrape-fest self that seems so very good at attracting masses of skiers and boarders more than willing to continue to buff its surface to a gleaming sheen. We stayed clear. Avoiding another nasty heat wave, should have no problems <BR>making it well into April with of course the possibility of mid and late March powder.