Mark Renson
New member
After being tortured until 2PM with Senior OEC Training, it was time to ski. Correction, we did ski down from the Summit Tram station and I took a cruiser down Northway with the Instructress (Louise) following so that I could show her the mountain and plus I did have a mysterious little dizzy spell beforehand (altitude ? at 3,800 feet ? whose?) <BR> So, for the remainder of the day, I decided to cruise on the granular hardpack. First run was down Montrealer and since I decided to take it easy on groomed runs, I did what you'd expect of me - I went into Hells Woods. Even with the deeeeeep snowpack, there was some exposed rock at the top. But once past that, it was sweet firm bumps to the bottom. <BR> I gobbled up some more runs. Just downhill from the Multi-Million $$$ high volume Super McBFL, I encountered the same 'ol McSki Malaise - slick frozen granular created by the whordes dumped onto the GoatRun/Northway/ whatever. Really grotesque as I scraped my way down and was reminded of how good we have it at MRG. I paused at the top of Expo Glade and turned away, thinking that it was too late to go into the glade. I talked to Tim, a patroller who was skiing by and he said it was no problem, so I descended into Buckaroo Banzai Glades. Skiing there was pretty decent and I was about to continue past Taxi onto CanAm when I looked up through the trees and then smelled the putrid scent of "terrain park" wafting up from CanAm - puu-u-u-u-u-u-u-uuuuukkkke. <BR> I did a Ullr/Kokomo run (the latter was pretty nice - it does not get groomed, funny how that worked out) and some more cruising and then ran out of time.