This was my first trip to Jay. They have a promotion going offering $25 US tickets to season pass holders from US resorts and $35 CAN tickets to pass holders from Canadian resorts. <BR> <BR>Jay is a curious place. The ski racks outside the lodge extend only 6 inches above the surface of the snow, making them useless. Folks simply stuck their skis in the snow. The trail signs were mounted down near the snow surface. Many of them were covered, so I was lost half of the time. Despite these adversities, I enjoyed excellent skiing. The ski was grey for most of the day, but the snow softened a bit and got sculpted into gentle bumps on many of the trails. Most of the glades were fairly tracked out, but it was still possible to find untracked snow in the woods. I stuck to the trails and the easier glades, as I have not yet figured out how to combine trees with steep terrain.