Not very crowded, never a lift line. <BR> <BR>Sunny skies. Morning runs were high-speed cruisers. They did a great job grooming. <BR> <BR>I used to like to cruise, but now that I've become enamoured by the gladed trails, high-speed cruising gets boring real fast. <BR> <BR>By 11am we were bored stiff and decided to head into the frozen unknown. <BR> <BR>We chose the most south facing trails, such as Canyonlands and Bonaventure Glades. They were way better than we imagined and did a few laps there, alternating the lower stretched with power line and lift line bumps which were softening in the sunshine. <BR> <BR>We figured Timubktu would be a good bet due to its southern exposure. Not. It was pretty darn chunky in there on saturday. <BR> <BR>Sunday things began to warm up. Since we had a 7 hr drive ahead of us, we could only ski until noonish. We did a lot of runs again in Canyonland. Timbuktu softened some. I checked out North Glade on my way back to the tram parking area and was surprised that it was quite skiable. The woods, although a bit hard and crusty, were mostly quite carvable and skiable. <BR> <BR>Should be ideal this coming weekend, but warm temps mean whitewater for me. Not sure whether to hang the boards up for the season yet. We'll see.