Jiminy Peak, 1/25


New member
Good stuff. They claim to be 100% open, and w/the exception of Upper Liftline I think they are. Even the glades Riptide, Willie's Gulch and Hot Wheels were open. Riptide & Willie's were sweet. <BR> <BR>Last weekend's storm dropped about 6 inches on the hill, that combined w/the plentyful amounts of man made are making for some great conditions. <BR> <BR>No wall to wall bumps on any single trail, but portions of virtually all of the diamond trials had sections to bash. <BR> <BR>This was a Thursday and the place was totally empty. You could easily average 4 or 5 runs an hour when using the new high-speed-six-seater. I only wish I had the legs to last a full day. <BR> <BR>ps: They are serving Widow White's Brew on the mountain (including the summit lodge), it's good stuff.