"People who ski don't ski when they're feeling sick, skiers ski no matter what!" I proclaimed to my wife Kristin, then I fell back onto the couch in a tired slump. Sunday was a powder day I was going to miss. <BR> <BR>Feeling better on Monday, I beat the crowds and made 4th chair at Jiminy. While there were strong winds, there was still a reasonable amount of fresh snow to be found. <BR> <BR>Skiing blacks is new to me and I had a blast on Wild Turkey, Upper Whirlaway, and then feeling a bit braver I even ventured onto Jericho. There were some icy spots, but they could easily be avoided. The best cruiser of the day was John Hancock, covered only with natural snow! <BR> <BR>As always a day skiing is better than anything else, but New Year's day was a bit sweeter with all that snow. I'm confident enough to try MRG now and hope to make it there after the next snowstorm.