Jiminy Peak, MA 1/28/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 1/29/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Overall the snow remains in very good shape from this weeks storm. Jiminy over grooms everything and today was no exception. But even with that there was plenty of nice loose stuff and even some powder pockets to be found. <BR> <BR>Bumps on Jerico and Whitetail were minimal and along the sides only. Upper Fox had about the best bumps I could find along with Ace of Spades. <BR> <BR>None of the marked glade runs were open but they may be saving them for the weekend. The new gladed area on the Widow's peak side should have been open. I ducked the rope for a quick try and found the snow to be fine. <BR> <BR>It has been very windy since the storm and some runs were quite blown. The Widow's peak side seemed to be catching most of the breeze today. At times it would almost bring you to a stop if you didn't tuck a little. <BR> <BR>The pipe and park also seemed to be catching a good amount of wind and looked to be quite firm but fun with air everywhere. <BR> <BR>There was very little crowd on this cold and windy Friday. If they get some more out of the storm that is suppose to hit Sunday and Monday they will be in very good shape.