June Mountain deals


New member
I've been to Mammoth a few times and loved it each time, however this season I took a detour to June Mountain. I chose to hit the runs at June because Mammoth just gets to busy for me on some weekends. I took my friends advice and ran Mammoth on Friday then took the 10 minute drive to June for the weekend. It was less crowded plus it turns out a lot of the lodgeing is cheaper as well. Don't get me wrong Mammoth is still great but June is a huge mountain as well with a great terrain park. Oh yeah and the tickets are cheaper and your more likely to find dicounts on those ski/snowbaord lift sites. Use Boots2 at skiforfree.com. Thats how I got mine. But seriously if your takeing a trip out there try one day in both resorts and see the difference in the crowds.