Killington, VT 1/28/01


Staff member
We started the day at Bear Mountain with about three to four inches of new snow. Wildfire had good conditions with nice soft bumps. So did Devils Fiddle. And then there were some trees that only had one set of tracks in the new snow. They were right along side the trail, just that no one had looked in there. The time by we got to the Canyon chair most of the trails regularly groomed had their snow all pushed aside. Escapade did have some nice, soft powder bumps. Also, skiing the short section directly under the top of the K1 gondola yeilded some great boot top powder among the bumps. Moving on The Light had nice, soft powder bumps among the trees. Toilet Bowl was showing some rocks/logs but nothing worse than what Rumble was showing the day before. <BR> <BR>My $.02, I like SB better.