Killington VT. 11/20/02


New member
Quick report. No time to elaborate. <BR>Groomed trials nice. Middle of trails down to blue ice. <BR>Natural trails even nicer depending on exposure. <BR>The ones off the peak (West Glade, Escapade, FIS) were solid blue ice base with a foot of chopped powder mixed with chunks of ice thrown on top. <BR>The ones off Snowden (Upper Chute, Greatbear, Royal Flush) were solid blue ice base with chopped powder on top but not a lot of ice chunks mixed with the powder. Lower Royal Flush softened nicely but there many rocks to avoid. It was indeed the pick of the day. <BR>Poaching was tough with the crusted layer buried under a few inches of powder. <BR>No trees because I was alone but I saw people in there. <BR>No lift lines even on the K1.
Trees? Yup that was me (among others). Good cover in there, not as thick as 2 weeks ago but not as crusty either. A minimal but solid base with a few inches on top that was dense powder turning wetter by the hour because of the alternating sun and fog. Despite some hazards, found some nice lines.