The window ticket price today was $52 ($42 with a Mobil coupon). I had a voucher which a friend gave to me. <IMG SRC="http://www.firsttracksonline.com/discus2/clipart/smile2.gif"> <BR> <BR> K.Peak, Snowdon, Rams Head, and Snowshed are all on line with snow guns running to re-cover and expand. Novices/low intermediates can go straight ahead off the top of the Superstar lift for a run which appears to loop you all the way around to the Snowshed crossover. <BR> <BR> The Superstar trail is groomed very firm and aggressive technique is needed. <BR> <BR> I had other things on my mind <IMG SRC="http://www.firsttracksonline.com/discus2/clipart/wink.gif"> <BR> <BR> I spent most of my time on two runs: <BR> North Star off of Snowdon (ungroomed all natural) and the upper 2/3rds of Ovation off of Superstar (also ungroomed all natural). There was pucker sticking up out of the snow and I *may* have hit a rock on North Star (felt more like ice or frozen dirt, no base damage to be found). There are bump lines forming. The new snow of the last few days on top of a firmed up base from the thaw earlier in the week is mighty fine.