Killington, Vt, 5-04/05, fri /sat


New member
i was at killington 5 years ago for like the 2nd or 3rd time i ever went skiing... went w/ a buddy and a crew of his friends for a weekend... funny how things work out... my buddy and his crew don't ski anymore and myself, skiing is all i think about for 95% of my waking hours!!!! the one thing i do remember about 5 years ago was that it seemed like i spent just as much time traversing as going vertically!!! <BR>not having been to k since that little excursion 5 years ago and being more of a sickie now than ever,the only lift accessed skiing was calling to be checked out... buddy gil and i hit it on fri and sat...they are calling it anything from 30 trails to 9 trails ( various drop boxes on the site ) but that is bull, and well this IS the no bull site!!!! it's 2 ways down, superstar and skylark/bittersweet... the former is the steep and the later is the blue...this will be redundant to locals but both are accessed by the superstar detach ( less than 5 min ) fri sections of the blue were kinda groomed and kinda bumped... sat all the blue was bumped ( at least piles of corn ) superstar i guess is about 1200 ft of vert ... the top is supersteep and it had the biggest bumps i have ever skied ( i'm giving myself a lot of credit with that verb ) in my life... it flattens out after about 200 yards and is a very nice pitch w/ slightly smaller bumps for the next 400 yards or so... it then drops back off again and goes steep and large for the end...100% legit corn all over on fri and up until about 2 on sat...2 perfect days for weather.. friday was warm about 70 sat cooler around 50 and breezy...perfect corn snow... no mush at all... friday was nice for crowds, sat got silly and dangerous at times... it was jammed... it kinda reminded me of bump camp in blackcomb last summer as in 98% of the people skiing were either legit bumpers or wannabes ( like me)... it was a fun scene actually...having heard the hype about the snow depths on that trail i was all eyes... it certainly appears like they do indeed blow on superstar all winter long... the gun set up and placement is impressive in that they have guns seemingly every 30 feet or so...a trail to the skiers left called ovation was being hiked and poached by some folks... it required some walking and was only skiable in about 70%... the only attraction i could see on it would be a lack of traffic, but it didn't seem worth it to me... i would guess that on superstar the depths in the highest spots were about 12 ft . a small ( say 15 ft by 15ft) brown spot is opening up about 200 ft from the bottom but presented no problems...they are claiming june 6th... locals tell me probably not because of the lack of depth on superstar... i found that curious and some further digging on my part found all locals in agreement that the base depth is usually higher right now, " huh," says me, in this epic year?... nay nay silly boy,say they, epic year in natural snow means less fake for les otten and the boys to have to pay for, resulting in less durable snow in may and quicker melting!!!... "i see" said the ignorant me. killer 2 days... great snow right now, but it's gonna go fast once it heats up... i'll be back for thurs and fri this week.. if u love real corn ( not mush ) bumps, it's worth it... $29 for the daily ticket <BR>p.s, just to stir up the pot, 2 lifties told me asc is looking to dump sugarbush and one other!!!!