Kinda Spam: Claremont/LA: TGR's One For The Road 11/11/11


The Claremont Colleges are holding their annual Snowstock festival on Friday, November 11 at Rose Hills Theatre on the campus of Pomona College. There are 2 showings, one at 6:30 and another at 8:30. Doors open 30 minutes before each showing.

You can buy your tickets online here for $12:

These shows sell out, so get them soon.

All attendees get a Mt. Baldy Lift Ticket (one of those vouchers with a $5 or $10 reservation fee) emailed to them after the show for environmental friendliness, as well as a free Clif Energy Gel Shot and Mountain Magazine issue. Mt. Baldy and SPX Clothing will also be at the event selling gear and lift tickets for really discounted prices. At the end of each showing, we'll be raffling off some swag from TGR and SPX.

At 9:30, we'll have the Ski Boot after party right next to the theatre. This is really for students, but send me a PM with your name and I'll get you on the guest list. There's FREE BEER and it's UNLIMITED.