Kirkwood, CA 4/8/2015


Well-known member
Day 37 for me and my deepest powder day of season although not sure if it was my best. Kirkwood reported 18" new at base and 24+" at top in last 24 hours and 12" of that was overnight. I left So. Tahoe at 7:40 and approached the still moderate Cornice line an hour later. An employee said Cornice would not load until 9:30 (and the Wall would not load until 10:30) so I moved over to lower angle and slow Solitude which opened a little before 9 and I skied five times. My snowboarding friend from Truckee joined me after a lap and we rode chair together a few times. While new snow was deep and I had some good untracked turns in the trees, I was finding logs (hopefully) or rocks a couple of times each run.

Cornice started loading a little before 9:30, but the singles line was too long for me so I did not move there until about 10. When I did, I found lightly tracked deep snow in Rabbit run skiers left of Sentinel, then on next run skied then hiked lookers left at top towards the corner. I did not hike to top as many people were doing as I found some deep untracked by cutting back under rocks. I had arranged to meet Coop, Kirkwood's marketing/PR person mid-morning so I went into office about 10:30 and after waiting a couple of minutes for him to come out of meeting, he gave me pair of Smith I/O goggles with two lenses that I had won with a tweet while watching their online show from home a couple of weeks ago. He said I should be on The Wall as it just opened. I told him I don't like lines as the singles line went over 100 people up the hill and was barely moving. Instead, I walked back to Cornice and skied Palisades twice. Patrol had a rope line at the top that people were ducking, but I stayed below it and found a lot of untracked before getting on lowest catchline that returned to lift.

I then skied Rabbit run again and, after stopping to pickup lens cloth I had dropped from chair much earlier, skied the gully, then under condo building and came out right at my car. There I poured a short beer from my growler and picked up a tall one for my pocket. I called and talked my friend from Truckee into meeting me for one more Solitude. He drove all the way from Truckee to avoid N* where he was bored on Monday when they had 9 runs open including four beginner runs and then came to Kirkwood and only skied Solitude. He is going in for one knee replacement on 4/15 which we both hope will return him to pain-free boarding. The line for the Wall had gone away so I went up it and did not quite have time to finish 16 ounce Sierra Nevada on 11 minute ride.

My first two runs I skied over towards Norm's Nose and into Conestoga where I found many large untracked patches and even better near bottom. The entrance to The Wall was very congested as many people were taking it on their rears. I next took the highest traverse left and pushed the track a little further before dropping into lightly tracked snow below the Sisters. After a couple of more laps, I skied Notch Chute which had excellent snow, especially high on the walls, and a wider/better covered than expected crux. But the exit from the drain was worse than Monday. There usually was a snowboarder or two down where it was only a foot wide above creek and later in the day it was impossible to go right without crossing dirt.

About 2:45, the lift operator told me Eagle Bowl had just opened so I did two laps there. I went far right on first lap. I should have hiked a little higher as where I came down the only way I could see, I dropped between and scraped over some rocks. From below I could see a better line with only one track and was able to direct a snowboarder to it. The next run I dropped in earlier and found deep chopped-up snow, then came over a knoll and got some untracked. I did one more lap on The Wall, taking a more direct line so I could get to Cornice for one more lap before it closed. I returned to the Palisades and found patrol had removed rope line although sign still prohibited hiking to ridge. I got my only faceshot of the day coming over an untracked knoll. Lower down snow that had not been shaded by trees was getting refrozen. I avoided the worst of it and skied to within 10 steps of my car at 4:20 pm with 29K of challenging skiing that was more than half in powder.

Not sure if I'm done for the season as I may go to Squaw on 4/17, then Heavenly on 4/18 before hitting Kirkwood again for their close on 4/19. Then I have two free days at Mammoth to try to use. All these pictures are from my phone and I did not take many until after 2 pm. I'll try to add some from my camera when I have more time. The singles line on Cornice chair about when it opened went out of the picture. The singles line on the Wall got even longer.


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tseeb":em9mh9f4 said:
then Heavenly on 4/18
I can't imagine Heavenly being worth any more of your time this season after your 4/7 report.

The more interesting question is how long will Mammoth last after 4/19. I'd guess it will be like post Memorial Day of an average year. This should mean a few decent steep runs off the top but chair 2 will be gone and the lower runs near Main Lodge will be BROD's (a new acronym appropriate to this season, substitute Brown for the early season White).

Last year Tioga opened May 2. Surprisingly the website says they won't start plowing until April 15 this year.

You never know. Another storm or two like this week could push Mammoth into May with decent skiing. I wouldn't bet against this scenario as I've given up and committed to finishing my season in Colorado. :lol:
Tony Crocker":etajmnwu said:
tseeb":etajmnwu said:
then Heavenly on 4/18
I can't imagine Heavenly being worth any more of your time this season after your 4/7 report.

If I drive up through via Squaw on Friday and home through Kirkwood on Sunday, having a less than a mile drive to Heavenly on Saturday still sounds good although by then the access will only be through gondola. The problem with Heavenly on Tuesday was the three upper mountain NV lifts closed by 10 AM due to wind, then when wind did not get worse and eventually died down, they did not have staff so everyone was stuck on middle and low level mostly scraped off manmade run. I can appreciate a cruiser day with minimal drive between two harder days with long drives.

Tony Crocker":etajmnwu said:
tseeb":etajmnwu said:
then Heavenly on 4/18
You never know. Another storm or two like this week could push Mammoth into May with decent skiing. I wouldn't bet against this scenario as I've given up and committed to finishing my season in Colorado. :lol:

I would also like to finish my season in CO, but can't justify a short trip now or a longer one before Aspen resorts close.
Adding some pictures from my camera. First one was taken just before 2 pm. I'm not sure if this snowboarder went down gully into Waterfall. I know I never have as it gets too narrow for me to make turns. What is interesting is that Kirkwood will let you ski it if you desire.


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Tony Crocker":3c4zv0uj said:
tseeb":3c4zv0uj said:
then Heavenly on 4/18
I can't imagine Heavenly being worth any more of your time this season after your 4/7 report.
I did end up at Heavenly on 4/18 (report to follow soon). My pass only allowed free skiing on Saturdays at Heavenly, even on closing weekend. I do have another MCP day for Squaw, but my friend drove and it would have cost him to go there. I have upgraded for next year to include Kirkwood (useful late season and if driving up Sat. morning with weekend warriors) and Northstar (not sure I want to be there on mid-season Sat. unless it's storming) on Saturdays, except for black-outs. The upgraded pass also includes 5 UT/CO Vail resort days so it's easily worth the $50 extra.