Kootenay and Snowcat vs. Heli by Tony Crocker

Peter Salts

New member
Tony, <BR> <BR>Thanks for writing those great writeups of Kootenay and Snowcat vs. Heli. Here in CT the temps have been in the mid 90s with humidity in the 70s the last few days. While thoughts of skiing are always at the forefront of my mind, they are especially endearing during these hot spells. As I was reading your Kootenay piece I could actually feel myself bopping up and down in the powder in sortof a slow motion. Those pictures taken by Brian Anglin and Marc Guido that accompany the stories also help out with the visuals. These types of stories will help me weather the storm (or the heat!) for the next four months until I can hopefully get my own first tracks of the season. <BR> <BR>Thanks and keep up the good work. <BR> <BR>PS