Le Massif, QC 12/27/01


Staff member
The season opening! And the debut of a whole boatload of improvements (see our news item at <A HREF="http://www.FirstTracksOnline.com/news/stories/100950855145928.shtm" TARGET="_blank">http://www.FirstTracksOnline.com/news/stories/100950855145928.shtm</A> for more info on that). <BR> <BR>The rule of 3s was in effect: "3 open trails" = 1 route down, top to bottom: Le Petite Riviere, La Combe and one little short green loop at the top. A mix of packed pow and groomed loose granular at the top showed some scratchy spots from traffic later in the day, while thin cover on the final southerly-facing turn on La Combe became downright rocky by the end of the day (tougher making snow down there, to be alleviated in early and late season in future years by the new quad's 1/4-way loading station). Today they got the double running, while next week they anticipate adding the new quad. <BR> <BR>Snowfall in varying intensities all day didn't add up to much, although the night of the 26th/27th yielded a few inches.