Le Valinouët, QC 2/16/02


Staff member
Hip deep freshies. No, really. <BR> <BR>OK, OK ... the hip-deep lines were on something called "Not a Ski Trail." Funny trail names, those French have! <BR> <BR>However, everything was soft. I truly never heard a scratching noise all day, from myself or from anyone else's skis or snowboard. What was groomed was spongy. What was ungroomed was powder or chowder. Snowbanks along the roads here at the "last frontier" north of Chicoutimi were 8-10 feet high. Look on a map - there is nothing north of the road that dead-ends at Le Valinouët, all the way to the Arctic Ocean. <BR> <BR>If you're looking for snow in the NE right now, get in your car and start driving way, way north.