Letter to the editor: Le Massif article


New member
I understand fully your disappointment with the resort's new direction and the rape of the "La 42". I have been going there for the last 4 years and I have many great memories of the mountain. My second year there was the best, A foot of snow fell overnight and they didn't groom any of the runs at the top half of the mountain and we basically had that to ourselves with nobody else around for the first two hours. It was epic. I loved the resort's philosophy of leaving as much natural snow on the ground as possible but thats changed now since the resort has gone mainstream and the majority of people demands groomed runs over powder... idiots! Also I will never ever forgive Le Massif for killing my favourite run, La "42", it was the one run that made the resort stand out from the crowd. <BR> <BR>I sure hope that Le Massif doesn't become another mont sainte anne or tremblant but it seems inevitable... according to the latest press release, "this new owner intends to position Le Massif as a top destination, regionally, nationally as well as internationally"
Eastrider, as you already know, I share your concerns. However, I've been given reason to believe that the changes this past summer are a good thing. Time will tell, of course, but I trust the judgment of those in far better position to know than I am, and I'm told that the acquisition of the resort is a positive development for those like us who love Le Massif. There are certain folks in positions at the resort who understand and likewise want the same things for Le Massif. We'll see, I guess ... we'll see. <BR> <BR>Thanks for your letter, and welcome to the FTO community.
we'll find out in about 2 years or so, when the resort expands again. <BR> <BR>If I were the manager of the resort and for the next expansion I would concentrate on the glades since the resort get a lot of snow and maybe create another run like the La 42 on the far right side of the mountain (looking up from the bottom) where people can hike to, to earn their powder turns.
Fortunately, some of the runs that they created in last year's expansion were beautifully gladed, almost built in a way to offset the fall-line boulevards cut on Cap Maillard. And yes, the mountain to the east, on climber's far right, is part of Phase 3. For now, there's a park cabin located up there that would make a wonderful backcountry overnight.
Nice! I can't wait til phase 3! Do you know exactly what the summit elevation on the mountain on the far right? Im hoping that it should be at least a hundred feet higher. <BR> <BR>Concerning about the cabin, are there any worthy skiable trails from the cabin and how do you get there?
Sous-Bois and L'Archipel were the only two Glade runs I noticed while there last year, are there others? OB? <BR> <BR>Cheers <BR> <BR>And yes, I got the vibe that Le Massif is in good hands as well.
Eastrider: No, I don't know the elevation offhand, but IIRC from looking at it from the new summit lodge it lies ever so slightly lower. There are no skiable "trails" from the cabin, but of course lots of tree skiing if that's your style. I've skied some of the woods in that direction and, while dense, there were certainly some skiable lines. <BR> <BR>Steve: You're correct, they're the only two. In fact, L'Archipel was added late in the construction season, in a way to offset the other trails that were cut. However, I'll be interested to watch what the new management does. As I alluded to earlier in this thread, I have it on good authority that the new management is a good thing for the hill.