Loon Mt., NH 1/1/00


Staff member
Spent a leisurely morning back in Stowe on Monday. Took Rt. 302 and rolled in to Loon's complex at about 1 PM. Picked up my free "backstage pass" for Loon, Waterville, and Cranmore (!), then got in a fairly slow line for the Gondola. I remember skiing at Loon many years earlier with my folks, and waiting in a much longer line for the Gondola. Still, I really hate waiting in line. Skied over to the North Peak triple (no line) and enjoyed a couple runs there. Enjoyed, well, that is anytime I could manage to stay under the snow guns. There was a whole lot of ice at Loon--everywhere I skied. Found the detachable quad (on the right side of the mountain) to be the best choice of lifts, but ice was everywhere I skied on the lower mountain too. They didn't get the 18 inches or so that the Stowe and Waitsfield Vermont areas got. <BR> <BR>Later that night I called my folks and learned that they wound up at Pat's Peak kind of by accident, but that there was PLENTY of powder and no ice.