Loon Mtn, nh, 1/17- Cannon, nh, 1/18


New member
sorry for the late report <BR>loon on thurs: they had received about 3 to 5 on tues and wed...they marketing lackeys are kickin into full gear and were calling it 6 to 8 on each day!!!! snowed pretty steadily on thurs all day... picked up about 4 so about a foot for the week as of sat morning... all open...they were blowing for 50 straight hours on lower flume and the aerial trail to it's left.. they must have a freestyle comp coming up cause they were furiously blowing on the flume for the bumps, which have been crap so far.... i have never seen so much fake on a trail in my life.. a good 18 inches, but virtually unskiable,,,patroler said they will be smashing the present ones and resetting them so maybe some bumping can start for real... double dip and trip troub still best upper trails for snow.. quad line still not with consistent lines but getting there although the weekend is gonna be brutal on it... all the rest groomed out flats in decent shape with occasional spots of wicked hardpacked. crowds were pretty busy... gondy looked like a 15 min wait all day.. quad was about a 7 chair wait most of day <BR>cannon on friday: .. the impending invasion for the " big weekend ' made cannon the call.. much better than loon for crowds and snow.. front face bumpers in fine shape.. pp all the way.. most of the groomers pp with little spots of slick... like last week , rode the tram once for the obligatory hardscabble run.. still sparse but nice pp and loose p all over...couple of sick bird tele's spotted poaching mittersill...looked like about 6 to 8 of fresh for the skin over... wind picked up late in day...back for 3 next week from loon , stowe and probably jay or burke... anyone hit the cat on the weekend?...looking for info on the upper bump lines!!!!