Loon mtn, nh mon 1/22 and burke mtn, vt, tues, 1/23


New member
hit loon on monday... 100% open... they are leting double dipper bump up but it's weak...awful moguls to negotiate... all the weekend warriors attempting to be legit and ski a steep creates bad fall lines.. oh well it's loon... unfortunately they are in desperate need of snow... hardpack all over cept for any fresh blown fake... really really scraped off bad...cold day on mon and they were blowing quite a bit on most blue cruisers <BR>hit burke on tuesday... man what a difference!!!!... 100% open and pure pack powder on all groomed trails.. no hardpack at all...bumps on wilderness, boarderline, dougs and lew's leap great packed and loose powder HOWEVER, a bit sparse in spots made for the turn on a dime abilty a necessity to aviod base damage...trees had some of the lightest h20 content i have ever seen.. probably so dried out from really cold weather...if you are a legit tree pig or tele dude... make the effort and go to burke... based on what i saw tuesday, u will not regret it!!!! trees off of skiers left on left side of mountain are LOADED... a heck of a lot of fun though compared to the laborious effort of the day before... east bowl trail, while a pain to get out of, is in tremendous shape and ungroomed !!!!! appeared that burke mtn academy was on sabbatical so very little traffic... not that that is not the norm for burke midweek... in the spirit of the big game on sunday , i would set the over under at burke on tuesday at around 100 skiers...80% of my runs, and most were admittedly bumpers, were alone .. top to bottom!!!!... one negative.. hey burke management... what they heck is the deal w/ no ticket sales ( midweek ) at the mid mountain lodge... and to boot no advertising on the mountain rd. making this fact known... that is very inconsiderate and totally unneccessary!!!!.. for the least hardpack, it would appear your best bets will be very northern, low volume places!!!!just an opinion!!!