Lost Trail Powder Mountain, MT 1/5/03

Jay Silveira

New member
Another 3-4 inches at Lost Trail and another great day. I managed first tracks down Southern Comfort; a couple of inches over the groomed made for a great ride. I was just planning on spending a couple of hours skiing the good snow in the morning, but met up with my friend Jon after my first run and we spent much of the day skiing the steeps in the Powder Bowl, North Face and Femur Ridge areas. Coverage was generally excellent, although a couple steep places like Beaver are still roped off; another foot or so should be enough to open the rest of the standard terrain. We spent a lot of time picking specific lines through the steep ledges and trees, and then trying to match the vision with reality. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, but it was great fun. <BR> <BR>We did a run to the far right in Moose Creek and found areas that looked like they hadn’t been touched all season; very bottomless and the last couple storms have added a nice light coating of Montana powder. I finished off the day with an exploratory woods run (something I haven’t really wanted to do alone with coverage just approaching safe levels). We’re still searching for the ultimate top to bottom line in the triangle of woods between Southern Comfort, Chair 2, and the Meadow Trail. We found some nice lines, but a deeper base is needed to really connect things and make it flow. My plan is to check back when the base hits 60 inches (right now they’re just shy of 40) for an update. <BR> <BR>Looking across to the Bear Claw Ridge, we could see that patrol had set up a snowfence near the windswept top of Lower Oreo. It looks like they might try to do a little snow farming to keep this spot covered before they open it. I was of course instantly reminded of Denis’ reports of West Virginia snow farming. <IMG SRC="http://www.firsttracksonline.com/discus2/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":)"> <BR> <BR>It looks like the coming week will be dry, with a ridge building into the area. The next chance for any substantial precipitation won’t be until at least next weekend, so we’ll have to wait for the base to build. <BR> <BR>J.Spin