Loveland Basin, CO 11/082002

Matt Duffy

New member
Coverage is great for this time of year. It was my first day out on my new internal equipment, so I kept it to a quick 4 runs and left by 10am. Conditions were universally firm, groomed and fast. It was the type of firmness in which I always anticipated ice in the long morning shadows, but never found any. I guess thats my primarily eastern experience showing itself. <BR> <BR>Seeing as how Loveland is one of only 3 ski areas open around here(Copper & I hear Keystone today), the trails began to get a bit crowded by the end of the first hour, which signalled me to call it quits. <BR> <BR>A big storm was supposed to move in this afternoon, and on the drive home in the a.m. I encoutered ominous clouds casting a daytime darkness that only means one thing... <BR> <BR>Break out the powder boards! <BR> <BR>mpd