New Years Eve saw me sitting around the house nursing a wrenched shoulder which caused much sniveling during a fitful sleep. <BR> <BR>I was kicked out of the house for too much moping at around 1:30 and sent packing to MRG for a couple of runs. At 2:30 PM, I found the Glen to be just as cold and desolate as it was in those stories your momma read to you before bed when you were a little, misbehaving child: "If you're not good, Santa will banish you to Bogeyland!" <BR> <BR>But I was undaunted, for I wore my magic bedroom slippers. Strapped to the slippers were sticks of gold and blue, fat as an opera singer and short as a Hobbit. <BR> <BR>Three to four inches of powder had fallen overnight. The moonscape below me as I rode up the double showed as many rocks as on Saturday, but with much more snow between them. I managed to eke out several powder turns here and there, on trail sides and on a couple of thin cover woods shots. On third and last run, I was joined by the Three Pin Inn crowd for a final drop down Slalom Hill. Mucho granite dodging at the top, but big soft (and yes, dirty) moguls down the main pitch. Well worth the base damage risk. <BR> <BR>Quite a lengthy report for just three runs off a 1500 foot double chair, but such is the state of Vermont skiing in 2002. Hope to bring you better news after Friday Ski Club.