<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 1/13/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Just a quick report from the PC in the base box <BR>at Mad River Glen. <BR>The single and double lifts reopened today after <BR>a series of modest snowfalls. No crowds, lots of <BR>powder. <BR>The upper third of the mountain is mostly powder <BR>and there is some crust and windblown lower on the <BR>hill (where there is windblown, there are also <BR>drifts to be found). <BR>Fun: Fall Line. Paradise (didn't ski the bottom <BR>pitch however, I was in the woodsy section to skiers <BR>right and ended up on lower Fall Line). Quacky. Catamount. <BR>More Fun: Canyon - upper is powder, main is powder <BR>and some windblown/crust, Slalom hill - hit various <BR>underlying geologic and vegitative elements, but still <BR>very much in the lots of Fun category. <BR> <BR>Back to the hill.