1 word: POWDER. <BR> <BR>Saturday: Romped around in the morning. Found a nice little stash that hadn't been all that tracked up. Yeah, so it's a little tight. Yeah, so I fell sucker to a few sets of tracks. It was worth it to come out of the woods looking like a snowman while everyone was scratching over the natural hardpack. <BR> <BR>Sunday morning surprised me. As I was leaving the house my email beeped at me. I flicked on my monitor to discover that MRG got 2-4" the night before. Hmm. Could be a better day than I thought! <BR> <BR>Picked up Dad at 7, to be up there by 8. He was greeting in the morning for a free ticket. Coming through Huntington (I believe) right in front of the fire house, a cop turns on his lights and pulls out behind me. Ugh. 40 in a 25. I guess the city residents have been complaining about the ski traffic this year so they set up some traps. I'd be careful the next few weekends going through there. He said he stopped a few people before me, and I have no doubt that he stopped a few dozen more after me. <BR> <BR>So after that excitement, we arrived at the mountain to find the parking lot unplowed. Yep - they got 4". I casually changed into my boots, stretched out a bit, and got in line for the single. <BR> <BR>Run 1: first tracks down part of Fall line and the woods. <BR> <BR>Run 2: Ran into Dave and Scott (Dave I have skied with once before and Scott looked familiar, but who knows.) Headed out to something called Blair/Blur(?) Dave wasn't sure. I was sure it was great, though. Again, untracked. <BR> <BR>Run 3: Same area, different line, again, all untracked. Who's the nice guy leaving all this snow for us? Heard comments at the bottom about the area we were skiing being all tracked up. Sorry. <IMG SRC="http://www.firsttracksonline.com/discus2/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=""> <BR> <BR>Took a cruiser down Porcupine with my dad and then took a break for lunch. Post lunch provided a run through the trees, a conversation with old friends, and more untracked powder - on one of the more popular glades, no less! <BR> <BR>What a weekend. <BR> <BR>Happy skiing. Let's hope this "Wintry Mix" in the valley means snow in the mountains.