Mad River Glen, VT 1/29-30/00

Mark Renson

New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 1/30/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Mark, here, with another non-Mc report .... <BR> <BR>Saturday morning was clear but blustery on the mountain. The Single was on wind hold, so we headed up the Double. I descended Gazelle and then patrolled Gazelle Woods, picking up some tree debris and enjoying some <BR>great snow before patrolling Chipmunk which had nasty scouring. Up the double again and found some nice pow on the skiers right of upper Gazelle before ripping into Panther, revelling in how well I was skiing until I augered into some windslab and faceplanted. After dusting off the snow, I dove into a woods shot that semi-lurker Jay & I handcrafted in September, <BR>making first tracks in knee deep - YEAH!! Next run was Partridge (nice) into Panther to Slalom Hill where I headed for a normally reliable stash but found some brutal wind slab before heading into Birdland to hit an untracked tree band. <BR>I ran into plaid Road Warrior Rich Ramsden from Philadelphia who was on <BR>telemark gear. The Single opened and I hit Catamount Bowl and while cruising through the braids I contemplated where I was to go when the Lynx entrance came into view - aaaahhh, the Catamount-Lynx-Beaver combo - I forgot how much I liked that. Lynx was great with bumps, stumps, rocks, powder, brush, trees and lotsa' fun which caused me to let out some whoops! I got some nice snow in Squirrel Shot and nailed one of my favourite bump lines - lower Beaver. <BR>The Single got shut down by wind again, so we headed into _a_ _ _ _ _ _ e Woods and found nice cover, especially on the upper part, and great snow! <BR>R.W. Ramsden encouraged us to get into The 20th and, um, so we went there. The cover there was just right with only perhaps 3 or 4 logs exposed. The descent down the main line was a sweet cruise with soft snow and a roller <BR>coaster-esque ride !!!! <BR>After checking into the Patrol Hut and lunch, I went into Fall Line and instead of traversing right at the bottom, I dove into the woods, finding great skiing until I hit some blowdown and had to exit right to on-piste <BR>More great skiing ensued. Had a nice run in the upper Quacky Woods shot and then hooked up with Rich later on and we did some more Quacky Woods, taking the easy way at the bottom since we were running low on fuel. <BR>For end-o-day sweep, it was Fall Line-Moody's-Grand Canyon, taking a spill on some rocks on upper Canyon. <BR>Stellar day !! <BR>Sunday, I had to do some training at the Patrol Hut in the morning and even assisting on an actual injury. But for the afternoon, it was back to work on the mountain! Ran into plaid Dave "Stop The Brutal Grooming" Barcomb on his edgeless skis (I think that's all of his boards). He was <BR>about 20 chairs behind me and we agreed on a Catamount-Lynx-Beaver combo. I hustled to see if I could make it to the bottom of Beaver before Dave but that was not to be as at Devil's Elbow, I turned my head around to see <BR>him ripping a line in that straight on yet carefree style of his. We hit my favourite line at the bottom and I led Dave into the Beaver-Liftline braid and through a short but sweet tree shot. Next, we headed up the <BR>Single and into Fall Line where we stood at the edge of the trail and looked out the corners of our eyes at the woods. The spirit of adventure <BR>overtook us and we headed into the lightly tracked S_ _ _ h_ _s_ Glades. <BR>The going was a bit tough, initially, until I launched off of a ledge and found the type of line that I was looking for, finding sweet snow until I hit a dead end. I got tangled up in some brush and blowdown and lost Dave. <BR>I made my way to the midstation and found Dave at the bottom in the <BR>End-o-Day sweep was Fall Line-Ferret-Upper Glade. In the Patrol Hut, we got word of some overdue skiers who were last seen in the _ _ t_ . We were all on standby until we got a call that they had made their way to the Glen <BR>Ellen base lodge. <BR>YEAH !! Stellar weekend ! You'd think that after having the greatest skiing ever that this weekend would be a letdown. But with the classic Old School Vermont skiing that was hold, I was _VERY_ happy !!!