Mad River Glen, VT 10/24/99

Michael T

New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 10/25/99. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Well, as others have said, the season has started. I knew something might be <BR>up today, as last night before the world series, WCAX said there was 10' of <BR>new snow at Mansfield and it had snowed all day. They were only reporting <BR>8.5' at the stake as the snow was heavy and compacted. Today dawned rainy <BR>and cloudy, but as I took the kids to Burlington for a dance rehearsal, the <BR>clouds lifted enough to show a lot of snow on the trails, and I do mean a <BR>lot. After parental duties were done, it was about 3:15 so I headed to MRG <BR>and started hiking up the double, figuring it was the best bet for some snow. <BR> <BR>Unlike Mark R., I was equiped with skis, boots, AT stuff and skins. The <BR>snow started about half way up, and my spirits climbed. I am not in the best <BR>shape, but man oh man getting the white stuff under foot was wonderful. I <BR>wandered up and up on Snail and cut back under the double to get to the top. <BR>Sorry all, I am cannot remember all the trail names, but as I approached the <BR>last switchback to the top, there got to be about 14" or so, and I put the <BR>skis and skins on. What a great feeling. I heard 'Mike', looked up and saw <BR>two friends coming down from the single. John and Pete broke trail, and we <BR>climbed up to the top of the Double. There ws a good 14-16" up there. <BR>Looking up towards the top of the single showed a lot of snow, on the trees <BR>and everywhere. We headed down Gazelle (I think). It was great. A bit <BR>crusty and heavy, but way cool for the first turns of the year. After the <BR>first pitch, snow depths decreased rapidly, and we traversed left and hiked <BR>out to the Gap. Johhny Fluff gave me a ride back to the parking lot. I <BR>didn't realize how many steps you save by coming in halfway up, but as I need <BR>the exercise, I don't care. What a great way to start the season. <BR> <BR>There should be plenty of snow there tomorrow for those of you who don't want to go <BR>to kmart. No brainer choice for me, except I have to work.