Jim Bauman
New member
After being awfully bummed we'd miss both Jimski and Telenaut, we "salvaged" a day at MRG with half of those we'd hoped to ski with. Jimski, no dissing was intended, and I hope that Shirley is well on her way to being a full-fledged woodchuck. Jay Peak is a great place to get addicted to woods skiing. Hopefully we'll see a positive post soon! <BR> <BR>MRG was full of well-skied up and wind-worked dry snow, with basically no coverage problems other than the usual exposed places on Paradise. 20th was by far the treat of the day, with grins, stunning views, and even some untracked candy. That was followed in quality by a wacky romp down Rattled Snake. Woods off the double also yielded similar treats. Some slick spots existed, especially on the lower mtn., which the little Elans complained about rather rudely. <BR> <BR>Last run of the day was idiot's choice (mine), Chimney. Waaaayyy toooo early. Only my bro-in-law followed me in, probably just to make sure I lived. We both slid the bit of rocks and ice flow at the crux rather ungracefully, and after a 4:15 arrival at the basebox, Telenaut and Kathleen were grateful they didn't have to call out the MRG finest to come pluck our sorry butts off the hill. <BR> <BR>In all, a fine, sunny, chilly day full of sublime views of a cloud-packed Champlain Valley, rime encrusted trees, glittering ice crytstals, and fine skiing with excellent comraderie.