Mad River Glen, VT 2/2/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/3/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>My second day this year at MRG started late but ended late too as the powder kept us there longer than planned. About five us from the MBA program, three MRG newbies included, met up and skied quite a bit of what the double had to offer, which was run after run of fresh, chowdery, silky, and a few wind-packed spots of VT gold. With a seasoned MRG bump-basher, a former Vail demo team member, a seasoned French alps skier foreign student, an Austrian-experienced German foreign student, and yours truly, the good old transplanted MASH-hack, we made quite the interesting powder-hungry pack. The single was on windhold all day and certain parts of the double ride were downright nippy, but once in the trees all cold thoughts were forgotten. Even the well-skied woods were soft and fluffy, and we found fresh stuff in the Birdland area after 3:00 pm. Get thee to MRG now, before the weekend, if thoust can. We found a few little drops, cliffs, and icefalls I'd not sampled before, but today was the day to do it. Each landing was accentuated by a gentle "POOF", and then back to the magic of turns in powder. If the wind dies down tomorrow, the single will be like its own powder reserve in the morning. The wind was steady all day but the snow is cold enough that it doesn't seem to be getting heavily packed in, especially where it's sheltered. Good stuff.