Met up with roger just after noon. Skied one run, then he went off to raining camp. Still in a lift line frame of mind, I tried a top to bottom (note I'm not saying non-stop) Chute-Liftline. Chute suggested that maybe Stowe indeed receive a bit more snow, but Liftline did not disappoint. The fact that I skied Chute at all is a testament to the general snow quality: I'm a Chute snob, and will only ski it when it's at or near perfect. <BR> <BR>Allowed myself an angular Antelope and pounded out a playful Panther before hooking back up with mrrogers for some relaxed cruising and soft bumps down a bunch of stuff I don't really remember but was really fun -- another Antelope, some Slalom Hill action, and a long Catamount Snail number. <BR> <BR>The skiing is so good now it is radiating powerful snow juju that will act as a mystic shield against unfrozen precipitation. Powerful snow gods are in the east and the wicked Wind Witch of the SOuth shall be crushed in their icy grip.