Mad River Glen, VT 3/4-5/00

Mark Renson

New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 3/6/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Shoveled off some light accumulation of dust on the Basebox porches and then headed up the Double. Lotsa' bare spots visible on the lower mountain and I expected the worst of ironclad bumps and porcelain on the slopes. I was assigned to do trail check on Quacky. I launched into the headwall on untracked dust on crust and braced myself for the impending collisions with the firm bumps. To my pleasant surprise, I found some of the most elegant dust on crust conditions imagineable! It was actually damn good! Lower, I negotiated the tricky bare spots on Chipmunk and then headed onto the green Easy Way. Here, I found some of the most terrifying skiing imagineable - slick porcelain. It made me think of the classic "Frozen McSludge" found on snowmaking trails; then it dawned on me - I was indeed on Frozen <BR>McSludge. On certain parts of the lower montain, MRG does make snow with its 2 - or was it 3 - snow cannons. After surviving an ice floe at the top <BR>of Waterfall, I headed back to the Double. <BR>This time, my assignment was to open Ferret. I found reasonable dust on crust and found very difficult wind packed in the troughs on Lower Glade. <BR>A run down Upper Gazelle was great as I found easy to ski bumps, softened by the light snow and found the same on Upper Panther. <BR>Later in the morning, we got some technical ski training from fellow patrollers Jep (he's the big barrel chested dude who resembles Coach Buzzcut from the Beavis & Butt-Head show) and Jen (she's the patroller who resembles Lori Partridge). <BR>The day was uneventful 'til a late afternoon run down Lower Antelope. I reveled in the solitude of the forest and I took my time having the most <BR>enjoyable run of the day, enjoying the bumps. <BR>For sweep, I had an enjoyable run down Lynx-Beaver; some ironclad bumps were found, but mostly a reasonable run. <BR>Sunday, I was in more training - OEC, this time. We do more training than I had ever anticipated. I dunno' what it's like at other areas, but we seem to sure do a lot. Anyway, I was finally released from my cage in the afternoon. Upper Antelope-Moody's-Bunny was pleasant with a few inches of wet snow making for a nice surface and making the <BR>lower montain safe again. I repeated my Lower Antelope run from the prior day and found it even more enjoyable. <BR>Catamount into Liftline was sweet, especially the portion of Liftline below the ledges. I wanted to squeeze in 1 more run before sweep, but I found myself assisting in an accident. Last run was Quacky where I found great easy to ski bumps.