<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 3/5/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>As of 2:45 pm, it's snowing. Heavier snow this morning, getting lighter now. A stiff wind, but not too cold. Three-four inches powder on a very firm base. About the same on the trails as in the woods, except the woods aren't quite as bumpy. Skied one run for Jonathan out on the 20th with George, Matt, and Gino and discussed his recent exile to La La Land -- we miss you, bro'. Skied half a double with Josh and Molly before they went to play with the kids. Talked with a depressed looking Mark Renson. Just skied a lovely lower Antelope with my wife. We'll probably spend the afternoon on the double looking for low angle lightly skied fluff, avoiding death bumps to the best of our ability. <BR> <BR>Are you sitting at home, watching TV? Get off your duff and go skiing.