Mad River Glen, VT 4/15/01

Jim Bauman

New member
Arrived just in time for son Conor to hunt down a dozen and a half plastic eggs strewn about the base area, filled with goodies that he proved quite fond of. Conor joined at least 25 or so similarly searching youngsters, some in costume, some not. <BR> <BR>The line for the Single was surprisingly short all day, and the line for the double was non-existant. Temps rose to the upper 40s down low and may have broken 40 up high. Some shadowy spots stayed relatively firm, but once again, the bumps on Catamount and Canyon were perfect. Paradise had a bit of an adventure factor, but Rich's aggresive ski of the far left side of the waterfall proved that there is still a ton of snow up there. <BR> <BR>Rib sandwhiches on the deck, soft bumps on the hill, very few bits of moss and rock poking through other than the usual spots. Kudos to the kids who dressed up as the tower 3 and tower 5 cliffs! MRG will be going for quite a while, assuming we all drag as many folks as we can up there.