Just being able to ski MRG this late in the year is a treat, the incidental enjoyment which occurs is the icing on the cake. <BR> <BR>Arrived 1130, warmup was Cat Bowl > Lynx > Beaver. Looked forlornly around Lynx for the half of my pole which sheared off in a bump last week - no sign of it (like it would have done me any good anyhow). Next, Paradise - as Elton John said, "the <FONT COLOR="ff0000"></FONT> is back". The waterfall was very tricky, with assorted rocks, stumps, and much more ice shpwing than I have gotten used to seeing in this epic winter. After I negotiated the top, the coverage on the rest of the trail was excellent, just the assorted scratchiness (it is 4/22, remember?) I followed up w/ my annual Chute > Liftline run, then Fall Line > Porcupine (which is losing snow quickly), Cat Bowl > Glade > Lower Glade and finished with Cat Bowl > Moody's > Canyon. The bumps are huge, but oh so frickin soft... <BR> <BR>The sun was out most of the afternoon, the ticket cost $20, it was T-shirt weather, the bumps were soft, and there was no liftline at the Single. <BR> <BR>Ski it WHILE you can!