Left the Base Area at 10:30. Leisurely climb up Porky to the Midstation with 4 friends and two dogs (Indy, a lab and Lucie, a 3 month old golden). We arrived on top with both dogs at noon. <BR> <BR>It is amazing how much snow has melted over the past 9 days since the mountain has closed. The mountain is perhaps 15% covered with the longest ski-able snow-patch on our route of 60-70 feet. <BR> <BR>There was one other recent set of tracks (tele boots) that had gone before us (probably on Monday) and a set of single tracks coming down through Fall-Line and Creamery where there is some short linked snow lines available through the trees in the shadow. <BR> <BR>There were also a set of double tracks snaking down most of the short skiable areas from the weekend. <BR> <BR>Snow at the Stake of about 6". <BR> <BR>Thanks for a great season!