Michael Bernstein
New member
The cover prior to the last storm was nearly <BR>nonexistant. The ~10-12 " they received served only to cover up some nasty rocks, stumps, and other debris, as the bases and what remians of the edges of my skis will surely attest to. Nonetheless, I got to Magic at 8:15 or so and was probably on the 20th chair or thereabouts. First run was down the on map glade to skiers right of the Red Line chair. I remembered multiple rock encounters from skiing there mid-January last year on a MUCH deeper base, so it was no surprise to have several more this time. Went further out to the right for my second run and was surprised to find on the way back up that no one had poached the trail which crosses under the Red chair near the top. That trail empties out onto the liftline of the black triple. I took those bold first steps and it took me about a half hour to work my way down through all of the rocks, shrubs, and fallen logs. Ugh! Magic is clearly hurting for cash as zero trail maintenance was done this summer as evidenced by the 1/2" saplings all over the place. What's more, man made snow which could have provided somehting of a base for this storm was hard to find, and where it was found it was icy dath cookies. Double ugh! Please find a day or three to patronize Magic as i can't imagine them being in business much longer if those tow observations are any <BR>indication of their financial health. <BR> <BR>But I digress. The rest of the day was positively sublime with knee deep pow found on all runs, be they reserved or unreserved. Lines and ropes became blurred, and in the end there was only the powder, endless powder. One good thing is that with a foot of fresh pow and a decent amount of traffic to pack it down, Magic just may have a decent base to work with from now on. It needs about 18" more to cover everything, as the four idiots who ventured onto Red Line figured out far too late. They ran into more rock than a Metallica groupie. Highlight of the day was the first time I poached Up Your Sleeve with a skeptical friend. His skepticism turned to sheer bliss as we grabbed 5th or 6th tracks on a perfectly pitched intermediate joy of a trail. No woods adventures for me, I was riding the X-Screams and they tend to be a little sensitive. Next skiing opportunity is MLK weekend, not sure where I am headed though. <BR> <BR>Has anyone seen the reports coming out of Jay? 36" and still snowing as of this morning. What exactly am I doing in Brooklyn? <BR> <BR>Happy new year all.