Hit Magic on Saturday, and although they had a decent crowd, it still wasn't actually crowded. There were no lift lines at all and at least half the runs I made I had the trails to myself. Pretty good for MLK weekend, although I wonder if they are making any money, wouldn't want them to have to close again. <BR> <BR>As for the skiing, it wasn't bad at all. First run was down Talisman. Slightly groomed on one side and powder on the other. It wasn't first tracks but it wasn't all that tracked up either. A nice way to start the day. After that I headed to Twilight Zone and Goniff Glades. These were a blast. Goniff actually had pretty deep snow on it in some places. What a difference from last weekend at Mt Sneau! <BR> <BR>I spent the next few hours alternating between the glades and Talisman. Redline under the double was open and I saw a few people on it but there were a lot of rocks showing, and I had already left ptex on a couple of runs so decided to pass on that. So I made Lucifer the last run of the day. Not bad in some places but about halfway down there was grasss and sapplings poking through a good two to three feet making for some pretty ugly turns. At least I gave the people on the triple something to laugh at with my numerous tumbles from my skis getting snagged. <BR> <BR>All in all it was a lot of fun. But I still think they need to do a better job at trimming and mowing the trails. I really like the fact that they rely heavily on natural snow and keep the groomers away from most of the trails, but unless it's a banner year like last year they just don't get the same snowfall that areas farther north get. I may be off base here, but if they did a better job on the mowing and trimming of the trails they would probably be much more skiable. <BR> <BR>Either way though, if you can't get up north I highly recommend hitting Magic.